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FOR SALE BRAND :Apple iphone 3g s32gb, Nokia N900,

Skelbimo nr. 48862, ádëtas: 2010-10-16 · Perskaitë: 185

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

VENTA:Apple iphone g sgb, Nokia N, Sony Xperia X,Htc Hd Pro,Blackberry bold ,Nokia N gb,Samsung omina iEMAIL ADDRESS……..:CHARTONMSN:GADSGETMOBILESTOREHOTMAIL.COM EMAIL ADDRESS……..:GADSGETMOBILESTOREGMAIL.COMGADSGET MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) at cheap & affordable prices.EMAIL:::::::GASDGETMOBILESTOREHOTMAIL.COM EMAIL:::::::GADSGETMOBILESTOREGMAIL.COM Below is the company’s pricelist for the product we have in stock :For sale Nokia n gb :Nokia N GB has a bigger screen and up to GB memory. Nokia N GB multimedia computer has more of what you are looking for. Megapixels, DVD-like quality video, Carl Zeiss Optics. Access your music, access your emails, plus advanced web browsing and integrated GPS and Nokia Maps. Upload photos instantly to Flickr, download videos with ease.Nokia N Unlocked………..$ usdNokia N————$ usdNokia ———-$ usdNokia N GB ….$ usdNokia N ……….$ usdNokia siroco .. $usd

















***GS Apple iPhone {GB} Unlocked…………$GS Apple iPhone{GB} Unlocked…………$Apple Iphone g GB Unlocked …..$ usdApple Iphone g gb Unlocked…..$ usdApple Iphone GB Unlocked ……..$ usdApple Iphone gb Unlocked………$ usd

















***The Blackberry Storm is a smartphone with a unique touch screen and cutting-edge multmedia capabilities. You can enjoy a wide-screen view when you are using the Blackberry to watch the video. There is three styles of keyboards for your email-Sure Type, mulit-tap or full Qwerty- to find the one that best meets your needs.Package content Blackberry Storm Phone BAT-- Battery PSMR-CHW(M) Travel Charger Stereo Handsfree USB Cable Leather Case Cleaning Cloth CD-ROM User’s GuideBlackberry PhoneBlackberry Storm –>>$usdBlackberry Storm –>>$usdBlackberry Bold –>>$usdBlackberry Pearl Flip –>>$usdBlackberry Curve –>>$usdBlackberry Curve –>>$usd

















***HTC TOUCH DIAMOND……… .$USDHTC TOUCH PRO………. $USDHTC Touch Cruise…….$usdHTC TYTN III ……….. $usdHTC X……… $usdHTC S…….. $usdHTC P………. $usdHTC P……. $usdFor sale Sony Ericsson Xperia X unlocked with all accessories :Sony Ericsson XPERIA X lets you interact in numerous intuitive ways. Touch, full QWERTY, -way key and optical joystick – you switch seamlessly between operation modes. It has an arc design which gives it distinctive and unique look. You can configure and have your XPERIA panels just the way you want them.Package content….. Sony Ericsson Xperia X Phone BST- Battery CST- Charger HPM-/J Stereo Handsfree MNU- Data Cable Stylus CD-ROM User’s GuideData CableSony Ericsson C ….. $usdSony Ericsson C ….. $usdSony Ericsson P ….. $usdSony Ericsson XPERIA X….. $usdSony Ericsson W….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdSony Ericsson pi…. $usdSamsu ng ominia i………… …… $USDSamsung i (INNOV)…….. … $USDSamsung i………… …… $USDSamsung J Luxe………… …… $USDSamsung M………… ………. $USDSamsung U SOUL………… …….. $USDBuy get freeBuy get freeBuy get freeSo thenks so much for co-operationEmail——GADSGETMOBILESTOREHOTMAIL.COMWe await you at the company’s mailbox at:gadsgetmobilestorehotmail.comGADSGET MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) at cheap & affordable prices.LEGIT MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) gadsgetmobilestoregmail.comGADSGET MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) at cheap & affordable prices.legit_mobilehotmail.comBelow is the company’s pricelist for the product we have in stock :For sale Nokia n gb :Nokia N GB has a bigger screen and up to GB memory. Nokia N GB multimedia computer has more of what you are looking for. Megapixels, DVD-like quality video, Carl Zeiss Optics. Access your music, access your emails, plus advanced web browsing and integrated GPS and Nokia Maps. Upload photos instantly to Flickr, download videos with ease.Nokia N Unlocked………..$ usdNokia N————$ usdNokia ———-$ usdNokia N GB ….$ usdNokia N ……….$ usdNokia siroco .. $usd

















***GS Apple iPhone {GB} Unlocked…………$GS Apple iPhone{GB} Unlocked…………$Apple Iphone g GB Unlocked …..$ usdApple Iphone g gb Unlocked…..$ usdApple Iphone GB Unlocked ……..$ usdApple Iphone gb Unlocked………$ usd

















***The Blackberry Storm is a smartphone with a unique touch screen and cutting-edge multmedia capabilities. You can enjoy a wide-screen view when you are using the Blackberry to watch the video. There is three styles of keyboards for your email-Sure Type, mulit-tap or full Qwerty- to find the one that best meets your needs.Package content Blackberry Storm Phone BAT-- Battery PSMR-CHW(M) Travel Charger Stereo Handsfree USB Cable Leather Case Cleaning Cloth CD-ROM User’s GuideBlackberry PhoneBlackberry Storm –>>$usdBlackberry Storm –>>$usdBlackberry Bold –>>$usdBlackberry Pearl Flip –>>$usdBlackberry Curve –>>$usdBlackberry Curve –>>$usd

















***HTC TOUCH DIAMOND……… .$USDHTC TOUCH PRO………. $USDHTC Touch Cruise…….$usdHTC TYTN III ……….. $usdHTC X……… $usdHTC S…….. $usdHTC P………. $usdHTC P……. $usdFor sale Sony Ericsson Xperia X unlocked with all accessories :Sony Ericsson XPERIA X lets you interact in numerous intuitive ways. Touch, full QWERTY, -way key and optical joystick – you switch seamlessly between operation modes. It has an arc design which gives it distinctive and unique look. You can configure and have your XPERIA panels just the way you want them.Package content….. Sony Ericsson Xperia X Phone BST- Battery CST- Charger HPM-/J Stereo Handsfree MNU- Data Cable Stylus CD-ROM User’s GuideData CableSony Ericsson C ….. $usdSony Ericsson C ….. $usdSony Ericsson P ….. $usdSony Ericsson XPERIA X….. $usdSony Ericsson W….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdsony Ericsson w….. $usdSony Ericsson pi…. $usdSamsu ng ominia i………… …… $USDSamsung i (INNOV)…….. … $USDSamsung i………… …… $USDSamsung J Luxe………… …… $USDSamsung M………… ………. $USDSamsung U SOUL………… …….. $USDBuy get freeBuy get freeBuy get freeSo thenks so much for co-operationEmail——GADSGETMOBILESTOREGMAIL.COMWe await you at the company’s mailbox at:GADSGETMOBILESTOREHOTMAIL.COM GADSGET MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) at cheap & affordable prices.GADSGET MOBILE COMPANY LIMITED ® is a leading supplier of high-end productsto customers, we deal primarily in genuine and brand new electronics,all items are sourced directly from the manufacturers and carry themanufacturer’s warranty. We ship % of our orders the same businessday.We specialize in a wide range of products such as laptops, mobilephones, plasma & lcd tv, mp & mp players, video games console,digital cameras, dvd players (Etc)

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  • Skelbimas ádëtas: 2010-10-16
  • Galioja: iki 2011-09-27


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